Linguistic Research and Development Department

12 march 2025 year

Special training at the Federal Office of Languages of the Bundeswehr

Two representatives of the Linguistic Department passed special training at the Federal Office of Languages (FOL) of the Bundeswehr, Hürth, Germany from May 29 to June 24, 2018 within the framework of implementation of the bilateral Ukraine-Germany 2018 Annual Program between the Federal Republic of Germany and Ukraine.
Representatives of Department got an opportunity to get acquainted with the practical processes of terminological work, translation and interpretation, as well as organization of daily activities in the FOL.
The program included familiarization with the tasks and organizational structure of the FOL, participation in the TRADOS 2017 training course, familiarization with the SDL MultiTerm terminology tool, Lexis terminology database, Ukraine-German translation using TRADOS with further evaluation of results.
During their training in the FLO representatives of Ukraine had the chance to establish contacts with NATO Terminology Office in Brussels and discuss the possibility of participating in joint events.
Both sides assessed the measures taken as successful and such that they could become the basis for implementation of future joint plans and projects.
