Linguistic Research and Development Department

12 march 2025 year


We are glad to announce, the Linguistic Department is continuing its steadfast support to the reform and development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to NATO standards.

The Linguistic Department has finalized the translation of another NATO Standard, Allied Joint Doctrine for Patroleum (STANAG 2536), Allied Joint Publication AJP-4.7, Edition B, Version 1. 

This AJP provides guidance to NATO and national authorities of NATO members, partners and other NATO bodies on the petroleum principles, policies and characteristics of the Petroleum Supply Chain (PSC) from point of origin to end-user. It provides guidance for the joint force commander and their staff, by in particular outlining the planning criteria and other factors, which impact upon the PSC, and provides the foundation for the further development of petroleum concepts, doctrine, procedures and support NATO green defence and energy security initiatives

In addition to petroleum planning, it addresses petroleum reporting, standardization and interoperability, legislation, the environment, education and training.

This doctrine contributes to enhance Energy Management in operation.



